Course Details
This course is 2 days on-site (16 hours) plus 7.5 hours online. Participants will receive an e-link to online coursework 2 weeks prior to the course and to the onsite course materials 1 week prior to the course. Please watch for these links in your email inbox.
21 CEUs
This course awards 21 CEUs in eligible states. See www.naiomt.com/ceus for details.
Refund Policy
Refunds up to 30 days before event.
S-910 Lower Quadrant Dry Needling
Course Overview
Dry Needling (DN) is a powerful, adjunctive tool for the orthopaedic manual physical therapist. This course is designed to bridge the gap between DN theory to how this tool can be integrated into clinical practice seamlessly by presenting a case based approach to DN with an emphasis on clinical reasoning in order to provide first time exposure and education to clinicians on DN as well as review and improve effective technique with clinicians currently utilizing DN.
Participants will cover the most commonly implicated muscles involved with frequently encountered lower quadrant musculoskeletal dysfunctions. With concerns about complications from the invasive nature of dry needling, ample amount of lab time will be spent on surface anatomy and palpation to ensure accurate location of relevant regional anatomy and safety of technique.

Gary Kearns
Gary is a 2002 graduate from the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) where he earned his Masters in Physical Therapy. He began his manual therapy training with the North American Institute for Orthopaedic Manual Therapy (NAIOMT) in 2005, becoming a Certified Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapists (COMT) in 2010. Graduating from the NAIOMT Fellowship Program, he was recognized as a Fellow in the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists (FAAOMPT) in 2010. Additionally, he is a Board Certified Orthopaedic Specialist (OCS).
He graduated with his Doctor of Science (ScD) in Physical Therapy through TTUHSC in 2015 and is currently an Assistant Professor in the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at TTUHSC where he teaches Musculoskeletal PT Practice, History & Systems Screening and Differential Diagnosis. Additionally he is the faculty liaison for the Student Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy Association (SOMPTA), the AAOMPT Local sSIG. His research interests revolve around accuracy and safety of dry needling, clinical reasoning and manual therapy mechanism.
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Course Organizer
The North American Institute of Orthopedic Manual Therapy, Inc. (NAIOMT) is a private physical therapist-owned organization dedicated to achieving the highest standards of clinical practice for manual physical therapists.
NAIOMT specializes in a flexible teaching program, which seeks to promote the utilization of safe, effective and efficient manual physical therapy management of musculoskeletal dysfunction. It further seeks an environment that is conducive to the application of a reasoned approach to manual physical therapy through critical inquiry and the creation of new knowledge and skills based on scientific study and dissemination of that knowledge.
NAIOMT strongly supports the union of the clinician, academician and researcher to further facilitate the development of quality patient care, physical therapy education and the development of master clinicians.